Tuesday, October 26, 2010

List of things to do on a cruise - that a cruise

on an exciting adventure is a real cruise can go on and if your trip on a sailing boat in the first place, the emotion is probably an all time high. With so many things to do for the trip, it is natural that one or two things to prepare your mind go. Bad luck if these particular elements were the most needed and your partner is not happy with you. To avoid errors and make life easier to take this book describes a list of things to> Cruise.

I came across a great tip from my research that I share with you things to pack on a cruise, are divided into two parts and put them in two separate cases, if a companion will travel with it easier because each of you to bag transport and to know when something is lost, all is not lost literally.

Now let's move on the list of things that take you. Start by not making a packing list,anything until you start. This should be done for a day cruise, make a decision. The list is divided into main categories and subcategories to write things as we remember them would come sailing at all the time, but the kitchen sink, which is not a bad thing, because we have prepared very well packaged.

Other documents: air tickets, passports, extra passport, visas, driver photos, the license to cruise and ticketsincluding round-trip, money, travelers checks, credit cards, ATM debit card, vaccination certificate, health card, medical history from your doctor's prescription is copied from the drugs enter the phone numbers of emergency, your bank , credit card companies, your family doctor, currency conversion table.

Reading: Parts glasses, contact lenses, cleaning solution, reading glasses, sunglasses, travel guides, books in foreign language phrases andMaps Dictionary, reading material for the business cards of car, notepad and pen to give new people, the list of e-mail ID of the people at home, stay in touch with.

Electronics: charger and PDA chargers, laptop chargers, adapters and converters, binoculars, camera, batteries, memory chips of mobile phone, camera manual, batteries, film, battery charger, extension cord / outlet strip, Discman and CDs, travel alarm clock,Batteries, flashlights, portable hair dryer and iron.

Clothing: Always choose your clothes according to weather conditions of the places we visit and the ports that you simply hop. Add a good selection of summer clothing in the form of shorts and t-shirts, swimsuits, etc. Also take when you go in a hot country at least a warm jacket as nights on board the ship can turn very cold. Make sure you pack some formal clothes for dinner the captainand dinner first and last night on the ship.

Medicines: prescription medicines, first aid kit with Band-Aids, Q-Tips, Vaseline, Dramamine, antibiotic cream, bandages, medicine for diarrhea, cortisone cream, aspirin, acetaminophen and Advil, and germicidal hand wash hands wipes, hand cream, sunscreen, insect repellent and rubbing alcohol

Others: Belt, Ties Storage, Zip-Lock bags, corkscrews and boxcutter Swiss (in case), TravelPillows, playing cards and some games of trips, shoehorn, sewing, folding tote for the purchase of land, isolated hats, coffee mugs, crazy glue, a small set of screwdrivers, purse or fanny pack, Time Zone Clock.

We recommend that you do 3 sets of copies of travel documents and have a row with you in your luggage and leave a package with someone at home. How to back up all e-mail a copy of your ID e-mail or save to a file on your laptop or flash drive.

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