Saturday, September 11, 2010

Best destinations in the eastern Mediterranean cruise

An Eastern Mediterranean cruise will take you to a paradise, enjoy all. The trip will combine to beaches, history and some of the most beautiful scenery in the world. Along the coasts of Italy, Greece, Turkey and Egypt, a cruise of the eastern Mediterranean is the life of every traveler to talk about on foot. Cruise end of the Mediterranean, which also results in the Asia meets Europe in the middle of mosques and minarets Istanbul.

Venice is known forcanals and gondolas. Venice is seen to be believed, is a dream for photographers with spectacular views and scenery around every corner. Venice has more than 1400 years of historical architecture and culture. A tip is the 12-hour vaporetto ticket that you buy in 50 buildings, six churches, four bridges and two open-air markets on the Grand Canal. Venice by night is a particularly romantic.

Corfu is one of the most beautiful Greek islands and aof the most popular because of its stunning scenery and beautiful beaches. Just off the west coast of Greece, Corfu enjoys a mild Mediterranean climate, with its excellent beaches and surprisingly green. Corfu is dotted with luxury resorts, but travel by ship offers the advantage of country right in the heart of the action. Corfu has many sandy beaches, but two of the best of Agios Georgios ... There are two of them, a north and south are.

Athensis an ideal place for an excursion to the ground. The area has some of the oldest architecture in the world and indeed the whole area is in history and culture. It 's a fascinating place to round off with the art and monuments to wander around every corner. The Agora-Athens Central Market is a must visit and lots of bargains to be had.

Istanbul is a unique location on a cruise of the eastern Mediterranean. Istanbul is situated on the Turkish coast and is a popular stop for cruise ships. Istanbul and its availabilityThe markets of the world, famous for bargain shopping. Get your bargaining hat on, because the locals expect to haggle for everything. For many it is one of the greatest lights of a cruise in the eastern Mediterranean.

Cruising the Eastern European parties is something that you remember one, in The cruise offers a variety of destinations such that each port is like a different world seem to be.

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